But who is me? Well, for one, it's a name I call myself. For two, I also call myself Uluscri, among many other names. This serves as sort of my online alias. You may call me Ulsucri however much you want! Also I go by they/she pronouns. Yippee!
But ok, why Uluscri? It comes from one of my conlangs (specifically Tap-Uskri from the Universe of Gen). The specific term I used was "Ul-Uskri" (where the "u"s are pronounced like "oo", the "i" like "ee", and the "r" is tapped), and you can hopefully see where I combined and respelled it to become a more English-readable Uluscri. But what does it MEAN? It directly translates to "Creator-Being" (Or I guess, more accurately, "Being-Creator", lol), and I chose it because I am a being that is creating. WOW! Shocking stuff.
But who am I, other than the writing part? I hesitate to release my real name to the winds, but I have many other names floating around the internet. As you might have seen, my worlds are presented by my multiversal character Reliul over on their website (linked in the sidebar). I have a couple YouTube channels, one for general writing and worldbuilding videos (also called Uluscri), one for sharing writing (called Reliul), and a THIRD for any other random things I post (called Moreluscri).
That's enough names, who am I? I graduated college over a year ago, so I'm in the working world, trying to make my way with writing and youtubing. Oh, and my degrees are in Math and Physics. You don't have to tell me they're not related to authorship, I know. It's a long story.
Otherwise, I love hiking, skateboarding, biking, walking, reading, conlanging, worldbuilding, learning languages and other gerunds! I don't know what to put in a place like this, how much is too much info? I'm big into photography (all the pictures you see on this website are my own). Major inspirations are Tad Williams, Hayao Miyazaki, Pendleton Ward, PilotRedSun/Sky, George R. R. Martin, Brandon Sanderson, Tolkien, and back in the day Rick Riordan and Christopher Paolini (I've been creating worlds and trying to spin stories since I was in elementary school, haha).
Something you should know about me is that I am ALWAYS trying to cram more information into my brain. I hunger for the morsels so. Should you happen across me in the wild, it will most likely be in the form of me sitting at my laptop, either writing or doing some sort of research. I'm concurrently trying to learn three languages (Toki Pona (shouldn't take too long), Swedish (the first language I seriously tried learning), and Latin (in the hopes of reading Classical and Medieval works)). I believe the running count of history podcasts I'm listening to right now is six. I love math and physics (as you might have assumed). If someone walks up to me and offers to share a cool fact about something, the chances are high that I will listen with rapt attention.
And that's IT! Well, not it it, I guess. There is, in fact, more to me than just a few paragraphs of vagueness. You may be able to gather more snippets from roaming these halls, so if that happens to be your goal, then go exploring!
See ye 'round!