The Corner for Cool Creations
(and Creators)
(and Creators)
This place I've carved out of a poor wall is where I wish to showcase all those works and creators I enjoy and that inspire me. It's as simple as that. Doesn't matter how big or small, indie or mainstream, whatever they are. If I like them, they're going here.
I'll try to have them organized into specific mediums, though I understand that some people don't operate in just one field (I'm one of those people, lol). Enjoy, and make sure to click through whatever strikes your fancy!
General Artists
- My wonderful partner who goes by many names! You can head to their website to see all the many things they do, or you could look down a little bit to see their main endeavors listed below.
- Natanya - English music
- jan Usawi - toki pona music
- Fox with a Fountain Pen - their where they post their cool rpg and lyric games
- Ilinx Substack - where they post their essays :0