My Little Guys
One day, I found myself with a piece of paper in front of me, and without much else to do, I took the nearest marker and let a bunch of little guys flow out. Little did little me know, I had given birth to a bunch of mind demons that would only obtain more brethren. They grew from having silly names and blissful expressions to encompassing all sorts of emotions, moods, and feelings.
There are so many now. They're mostly delightful, though some are rather frightening. And only more will come!
A good ole list will be to the right eventually. I want to gather the little guys into some sort of taxonomy, though they are surprisingly hard to wrangle. It'll happen, however long it takes.
Anyways, have fun with them! I gotta get back to... whatever I was doing. Funny how I can't quite remember....
The running list of Lil Guys
- Jibblet
- Kyndraxis
- Squalamaloo
- Spep
- Kip
- Mip
- Exhatem
- Kemrezhn
- Bloog