The Essay Room
Ah, so you've found yourself here: in the Essay Room! Maybe someday I'll have a more creative name for this place, but it's still under construction anyways. Oh, don't worry! The half-constructed wall is structurally stable, I promise.
What are all these papers strewn about? Most of them are my in-progress thoughts and budding essays, but some of them you can read! They are linked below. And are about any variety of thing, depending on the essay. I like to write about worldbuilding, creativity, writing, philosophy, life, reality, and whatever else seeps out of this mind of mine.
Oh, and you can also view the essays on my Substack, if you wish to have a plethora of nice pictures to go along with them (I don't have the luxury of storage space here unless I opt to pay for more of it). There's only one essay, and thus only one listed here, but that'll hopefully change soon!