This is where the grandmost timeline of all my timelines lives. It covers everything, and so I can only fit a shortlist of events I consider to be the most important. I'm sorry if I forget anything big, but there's just so much stuff to keep track of! Let me know what you want included, and if it's historical enough, I'll through it here or in one of the many other timelines (and if you wish to see those, head to the Timeline Homepage).

I want these dates to be as historically accurate as I can, but research can often yield several conflicting answers, so I'm forced to give rough approximations or judgement calls as they come. If you know of any research that contradicts my dates, feel free to email me at

You may have noticed, but the dates aren't to-scale in terms of their distances from each other. To be honest, I don't have the coding skills to configure such a thing. Maybe one day I'll figure it out, but for now, it'll look like this. Also, all the human-history stuff would be crunched into the very last pixel anyways, at least for this timeline. For the more granular timelines, it could be worth it to figure such a thing out. And the timeline itself will seem quite bare for a little bit. Worry not--it shall be populated in due time (haha).

Important note is that the dates that appear are in YYYY/MM/DD format.

The Timeline Itself

  • c. 13,799,000,000 BCE - The effective beginning of time as we know it. The universe rapidly expands from an extremely hot and dense state until the first atomic nuclei, mostly those of hydrogen and helium, are able to form.
  • c. 13,798,630,000 BCE - Atoms are able to form and exist for more than a fraction of a second for the first time. The Cosmic Microwave Background is born in this moment as light is able to fly free through the universe.
  • c. 13,699,000,000 BCE - The first stars may have formed from collapsing clouds of dust at this time.
  • c. 4,544,000,000 BCE - The Earth forms.
  • c. 3,900,000,000 BCE - One of the earliest estimates for the first life on Earth. Some estimates go back to the formation of Earth itself.
  • c. 3,200,000 BCE - A female of the species Australopithecus afarensis lives and dies in Ethiopia. She will later be named Lucy.
  • c. 287,000 BCE - The earliest known Homo sapiens individual lives and dies in Morocco. This is also when some hypothesize modern human behavior evolved.
  • c. 8,000 BCE - The origins of cuneiform are believed to have started around this time at the earliest.
  • c. 3,400 BCE - The word/name Kushim is written on a clay tablet in ancient Sumer.
  • 44/3/15 BCE - Julius Caesar is murdered in the Senate House of Rome.
  • 1748 CE - Leonhard Euler publishes his Introductio in analysin infinitorum.
  • 2019/11/16 CE - Patient zero catches COVID.